Monday, I made a new friend,....well actually I was attacked by a dog that lurched upward and took a bite out of my sleeve. Not to worry, because the dog didn't get a hold of my arm and only minimal tear in the jacket. Her owner was genuinely upset and ready to buy a replacement for me although I really don't think it's necessary.
After giving the whole thing some deep thought I've concluded the following:
- I'm glad I was wearing the jacket, which probably prevented a flesh bite.
- The experience will likely prevent the dog from ever acting out that way again, after the owner disciplined his dog.
- I'm glad it happened to me and not some small kid.
I love dogs and have only had a few instances that concerned me for my safety when a dog barked or chased me, so this situation didn't "scare" me.
Tuesday, I put some serious thought into ideas to increase endurance and increase heat tolerance. I made a stop at Brigadoon's Army surplus store where Tom fitted me for a flak-jacket. It's slightly bulky, snuggly fitting, and weighs about 10 pounds. It is also camoflage incase I ever want to go deer hunting. ( not likely )
I ran 6 miles through the paved hills of the Lake Arcadia dam with it on...under a hoodie, because I was slightly embarrassed to be seen with it on. I didn't want to be mistaken for a paint-ball warrior in full flight.
I'm undecided how well this may help, but hey...if it's good enough for Bo Jackson, it might work for me too.
anyway, all for now but stay tuned....
I always called it "Barfwater" because in my several times out there I never made it more than about 20 miles without puking.
I like the flakjacket thing. It's original and makes for a good story. It seems like you've got the clothing down to heat train. Now, you just need to run in all that gear with a hair dryer blowing hot air in your face. That's the only way to really simulate what you'll find between mile 30 and 42 as you cross the devil's corn field and the sand dunes.
I look forward to seeing you and hearing more about your experiences.
Where to get an extension cord that's 135 miles long?
Wow! What a great blog to keep track of the deadwater *wink to Di!* I mean, badwater run!
(Psssssst!!!! Dogs are able to see you when you wear camo. Just thought I'd let you know.)
A flakjacket? Why not a down parka and ski mask? If you can find a battery powered hairdryer I'll hold it in your face when we run up to GreenPeople.
Good Luck Chisholm! Would like to meet you someday. You have to be a friend of mine because you hang with the the best of the best! "Susie" Good luck and post your experiences. We will be routing for you from OKC! Katie
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